Joo Heung Yoon, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine

Dr. Yoon is a physician-scientist and an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine (PACCM) at the School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh. After graduating from Internal Medicine Residency in New York City, he started a research fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA to study intravascular imaging with optical coherence tomography. Then throughout his clinical fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, he worked on developing data-driven prediction models for various critical events in the ICU. He was awarded two T32 training grants from the Department of Critical Care Medicine and the PACCM, and a K23 grant from NIH (NIGMS) to further develop his prediction models. Along with his clinical work as a Critical Care physician, he conducts machine learning research in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.

Representative Publications

  1. Yoon JH, Pinsky MR, Clermont G. Artificial Intelligence in Critical Care Medicine – Roles, Pitfalls, and Future Tasks. Crit Care 2022;26:75. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-03915-3
  2. Caldas S, Yoon JH, Pinsky MR, Clermont G, Dubrawski A. Understanding Clinical Collaborations Through Federated Classifier Selection. Proc Machine Learning Research 2021;149:1-6.
  3. Yoon JH, Jeanselme V, Dubrawski A, Hravnak M, Pinsky MR, Clermont G. Prediction of hypotension episode with using high-granular data in the intensive care unit. Critical Care 2020;24:661
  4. Yoon JH, Mu L, Chen L, Dubrawski A, Hravnak M, Pinsky MR, Clermont G. Predicting tachycardia as a surrogate for instability in the intensive care unit. J Clin Monit Comput 2019, doi: 10.1007/s10877-019-00277-0

Research Interests

  • Developing Prediction Models using Physiologic Time-series Data
  • Developing Clinical Decision Support System in the ICU
  • Building Multicenter Data Standardization, Acquisition, and Storing Platform

Research Grants

K23 GM138984                                  Yoon, Joo Heung (PI)                                     08/01/2020 -
NIH/NIGMS   Developing Machine Learning-Driven Prediction Models and Therapeutic Strategies for Circulatory Shock in Critically-ill Patients